question:The only lab in Gaza that processes COVID19 test results is now inoperable after an Israeli airstrike, w/ one health employee hospitalized and seriously injured from that attack. What reasons might Israel have for considering this strike necessary?
answer:HAMAS receives so many billions from all corners of the globe - and affords only one COVID lab, while starting useless wars with massive destruction? Totalitarian regimes do not need the vote or consent of the subjects to rule, therefore they can take as bad care of the subjects as they choose. They can theoretically kill them all (T4 Nazi program, Pol-Pot, Mao’s Big Leap). Gazan Arabs need to know who is their TRUE enemy. Not Israel. Israel is neutral. Leave it alone - and Israel will even help to jumpstart peaceful economy.
question:Who is a better Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi or Manmohan Singh?
answer:Dr.manmohan singh
question:After you prepared to retire, what area of your life did not go as planned?
answer:How about everything, nothing has gone as planned. It is not appropriate to go into financial details but my answer and the reason for it is as follows; BE READY TO PIVOT. Know which way the wind is blowing and be ready to pivot and you will survive I have a large family, they are the Last of the Mohicans on UAW and other pension plans, I have friends who also have done well on pensions but in the future, even Gen X if you are lucky and a pension is there or you have medical benefits, all of your costs are higher than you expected. There are hidden costs everywhere and older people are not prepared nor do they manage them well. You think you are on top of it, boom there goes an increase any one of a dozen things ranging from your mobile/cell phone plan to your mortgage, new fees for instance or local property taxes. I am also focusing on financial as everyone can say, gee I felt great and then one day I got cancer. That is an unplanned event but the key is, did you have good medical treatment options. If you are in one of those ‘socialist’ national health coverage countries, especially if you augment with a bit of private health care like Australia, then you did pretty good. If you are in the USA, it better be with more than just Medicare B plus your drug option as you are not eligible for a lot of cancer treatments and will not be treated in a lot of health care systems/providers. That is America. Yes I have family and friends nicely ‘grandfathered’ in on their health care and they are all la di da about it. But again anyone younger than 60, not gonna happen, so be prepared for co-pays and possible waits (that is normal even with good insurance, like 6 months for a hip replacement and of course you don’t go until the pain is excruciating but by then it is too late, you still have to wait another 6 months before the surgery). It is not enough to say I got cancer and worked my way out of it, that helps no one and is self serving, what I wish to tell you all is get your health care down, test it out. Including your meds and co-pays, make sure you are ‘in plan’ with plan service providers. Start maybe with testing blood pressure, always test test test. Then do your annuals and if it hurts go in and ask about it and ask them to test. What you want to avoid are any surprises that not only will change your life, but will ruin your retirement that you worked a lifetime for.
question:Was there ever programming being done in machine code?
answer:Of course, when you do not have an assembler, but you know what you are calling and where and why - then you start POKE-ing machine code directly into memory. I have done it few times in a very far away past.