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question:(As I looked out the window in my room, I wondered if I would see my beloved Natsuki again. That's when I feel something - a tap on my tail.) Garangolm: "Hey, Lunagaron! What's good, my dude?" (Huh. That was the first time he's ever called me by my full name - he normally calls me "Luna" for short, while I tend to call him "Garan". But there was no sign of Malzeno - or as we call him, "Mal". But I didn't expect Garangolm to come back from his date with Gammoth so soon.) Lunagaron: "Wow, Garan. That's...that's the first time you called me by my full name."

answer:Garangolm: "Yeah, I figured it was time to be a little more formal. So, what's on your mind? You seem lost in thought." Lunagaron: "Oh...just thinking about Natsuki. I miss her." Garangolm: "Don't worry, buddy. I'm sure you'll see her soon. In the meantime, how about we grab a drink together? I'm sure Mal won't mind if we leave him to his own devices for a little while." Lunagaron: "Sure, that sounds great. Let's go." (Garangolm and I left the room, eager to catch up and take our minds off of missing our loved ones.)

question:(As I looked out the window in my room, I wondered if I would see my beloved Natsuki again. That's when I feel something - a tap on my tail.) Garangolm: "Hey, Lunagaron! What's good, my dude?" (Huh. That was the first time he's ever called me by my full name - he normally calls me "Luna" for short, while I tend to call him "Garan". But there was no sign of Malzeno - or as we call him, "Mal". But I didn't expect Garangolm to come back from his date with Gammoth so soon.) Lunagaron: "Wow, Garan. That's...that's the first time you called me by my full name."

answer:Garangolm: "Oh, yeah. I figured it was time to show some respect, you know? And speaking of respect, I had a great time with Gammoth. She's pretty awesome." Lunagaron: "That's great to hear, Garan. I'm happy for you. Did Mal come with you guys or...?" Garangolm: "Nah, he's off doing his own thing. Probably sulking somewhere, knowing him." Lunagaron: "Oh. Well, maybe he just needs some time to himself." Garangolm: "Yeah, maybe. Anyway, enough about Mal. What have you been up to? Seen Natsuki lately?" Lunagaron: "No, not since our last battle. I've been...keeping busy with training and stuff." Garangolm: "Ah, gotcha. Well, hopefully you'll run into her again soon. I know how much you like her." Lunagaron: "Yeah...yeah, I do. She's amazing." Garangolm: "Hey, don't worry about it. She's bound to come around sooner or later. And in the meantime, you've got us - your awesome friends - to hang out with." Lunagaron: "Thanks, Garan. That means a lot." Garangolm: "Anytime, Lunagaron. Anytime."


answer:As an IELTS 6, I believe that some individuals support the death penalty for various reasons. However, I am of the opinion that the death penalty should be abolished. In this essay, I will elaborate on why some individuals support the death penalty and why it should be opposed. Firstly, some individuals support the death penalty because they believe it deters crime. They argue that the fear of execution will prevent offenders from committing heinous crimes, thus making society safer. However, research has shown that the death penalty does not deter crime significantly. In some states in the United States where the death penalty is legal, the crime rate has not decreased. In fact, research has shown that the death penalty may even increase crime because offenders may kill their victims to avoid leaving witnesses. Secondly, some individuals support the death penalty because they believe it brings closure to the victims and their families. They argue that the death penalty provides justice for the victims and their families. However, the death penalty does not bring closure or healing to the victims' families. It is unlikely that killing the offender will bring back their loved ones or ease their pain. Additionally, the death penalty can also create new victims by causing mental and emotional anguish to the offender's family. Finally, the death penalty should be opposed because it is inhumane and brutal. It violates the right to life, which is a fundamental human right. The death penalty is also irreversible, and there have been cases where innocent people have been executed. Mistakes in the justice system cannot be rectified once the offender is executed. Also, the use of capital punishment perpetuates the cycle of violence, sending the message that killing is an acceptable form of punishment for any crime. In conclusion, some individuals support the death penalty because they believe it deters crime and brings closure to the victims' families. However, the death penalty is unjust, inhumane, and brutal. It is time for us to recognize that the death penalty is not an acceptable form of punishment. Instead, we should advocate for alternative measures, such as life imprisonment without parole. These measures will ensure the safety of society while preserving human rights and dignity.

question:请帮我翻译以下文字:A second reason for abandoning the idea of “the Internet” is mutualism, the interdependence of new and old modes of communication in civic life. As information technology becomes increasingly ubiquitous, it is both displacing certain old forms of communication and becoming a seamless backdrop to other persistent, traditional forms of communication. Most political campaigns, civic groups, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other organizations now rely both upon traditional infrastructure and new information infrastructure. Candidates for elected office employ broadcast advertising and Web sites. Interest groups distribute traditional mass mailings and electronic mail. Grassroots citizen groups use electronic mail to distribute requests that members send traditional mail to elected officials. Traditional political protests or boycotts are organized and managed via information technologies, especially electronic mail, but are advertised through broadcast and print media. The effort to distinguish between “cyberspace” or the “virtual” world and the landscape of traditional civic engagement will in many cases grow futile. Already the jargon that became popular in the late 1990s—“electronic democracy,” “cyberpolitics,” and so on—is untenable because it presumes a sharp separation that in practice often does not exist.


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