question:1. There are currently twentyone churches in seven states ( West Virginia , Kentucky , North Carolina , Ohio , Tennessee , Virginia , and Arkansas . ) 2. There are currently twentyone churches in seven countries ( West Virginia , Kentucky , North Carolina , Ohio , Tennessee , Virginia , and Arkansas ) . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? OPTIONS: no ye
question:ed at UNESCO World Heritage city Cceres Extremadura Spain Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
answer:Hosted at UNESCO World Heritage city Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain.
question:with which it tries to pump life into overworked elements from eastwood 's dirty harry period How would the sentiment of this sentence be perceived? OPTIONS: negative positive
answer:The sentiment of this sentence could be perceived as positive.
question:This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Notonlybecauseoftheoldfashionedconcepttokeepthevirginityandallthat,butjusttoletyoubothhavetimeforthebodychemistrytogetusedtoeachothersowhenyoufinallyexperiencethatultimatefeelingatthepleasurecenter,youdon’toffsetyourbalance.
answer:Not only because of the old-fashioned concept to keep the virginity and all that, but just to let you both have time for the body chemistry to get used to each other so when you finally experience that ultimate feeling at the pleasure center, you don't offset your balance.