question:The construction of a seed length of Formula 32 , which is optimal to constant factors . The construction of achieves a seed length of formula _ 32 , which is optimal up to constant factors . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? OPTIONS: no ye
question:Write an article using the following points: The Irish bookmaker ran the advert in a Sunday tabloid newspaper. Complaints: It trivialised murder trial, the death of a woman and disability. Advertising Standards Authority: Ad brought advertising into disrepute. Pistorius is accused of the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
answer:An Advertisement in a Sunday tabloid newspaper by an Irish bookmaker caused a stir. The advert was accused of trivialising the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius, who is accused of killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Complaints were lodged stating that the advertisement was insensitive towards the tragic death of Steenkamp, and an affliction that Pistorius suffers called 'runner's knee' also came under fire for making fun of a disability. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) investigated the advertisements and concluded that the advert brought advertising into disrepute. The Irish bookmaker had to pull out the adverts. The issue with advertisement or publicity is that it's hard to know how it will be perceived by individuals or the general public. In this case, it's obvious that the advert had negative implications, causing harm to the sentiment of the general public. It's crucial to assess and understand the impact of any advertisement before it is used, as a negative response can have an adverse effect on the brand, as was the case with Irish bookmaker.
question:ere are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Fitzbillies, eatType = coffee shop, food = French, priceRange = moderate, area = city centre. Write a sentence that describes the following attributes of a restaurant.
answer:Fitzbillies is a moderate-priced French coffee shop located in the city centre.
question:The cost for the text message service is the standard rate of a text message to the Netherlands Please note enter your mobile phone number as follows Can you repeat this sentence, but add in punctuation?
answer:"The cost for the text message service is the standard rate of a text message to the Netherlands. Please note: enter your mobile phone number as follows:"