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question:Short movie review: if you only had a week to live Did the critic thinking positively or negatively of the movie? OPTIONS: negative positive

answer:The provided information does not provide clear indication of whether the critic had a positive or negative review of the movie.

question:Add spaces between the words in the following text: Ifyoufeelthatyouareinthissituation,goforit!ThousandsofmentookthisdecisionandarelivingtheirdreamcometruewithaprettyRussianorUkrainianwoman!

answer:If you feel that you are in this situation, go for it! Thousands of men took this decision and are living their dream come true with a pretty Russian or Ukrainian woman!

question:Does the word art mean the same thing in It's quite an art. and The art of conversation.? OPTIONS: different meanings the same meaning

answer:The same meaning.

question:Answer a question about this article: Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli, such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the funny bone. Because it is a complex, subjective phenomenon, defining pain has been a challenge. The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. In medical diagnosis, pain is a symptom. What type of stimuli causes pain?

answer:Intense or damaging stimuli such as stubbing a toe, burning a finger, putting alcohol on a cut, and bumping the "funny bone" can cause pain.

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