question:市场投入合计 1,281,280.45 1,202,106.30 1,277,668.43 1,610,593.19 1,691,670.04 1,531,999.79 1,529,255.69 1,596,216.15 1,773,056.46 1,566,366.22 1,508,368.79 1,492,039.68 1,253,231.81 1,745,058.28 3,622,907.31 2,414,739.70 2,776,771.34 3,732,691.95 6,084,578.22 9,089,873.74 10,680,600.02 12,862,498.48 11,638,663.82 8,337,290.55 7,540,000.93 7,668,416.57 10,032,502.98 7,778,563.63 5,298,120.44 4,778,626.00 6,245,716.83 9,575,281.68 12,331,404.69 14,445,777.47 12,644,251.83 9,946,171.72 10,330,367.69 10,680,605.22 10,003,569.86 7,025,506.51 -29.77% -9.68% 市场投入当月新增ROI #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 官服月利润 6,887,019.77 8,761,901.51 10,785,875.57 8,254,902.37 6,169,117.67 5,343,549.55 5,180,715.43 5,468,773.44 6,721,304.28 7,117,827.79 6,831,369.91 7,697,365.25 7,731,877.26 7,638,429.61 6,465,907.75 6,939,462.16 5,602,829.29 7,065,685.55 6,943,713.76 8,349,738.32 10,544,534.56 13,902,518.40 12,061,864.13 16,143,925.95 13,157,289.18 7,668,997.21 8,891,736.43 10,462,953.74 11,777,668.10 7,241,114.30 8,305,374.30 5,290,472.58 6,431,394.91 3,422,722.39 9,283,830.98 7,948,636.71 8,967,149.51 7,178,677.07 6,614,014.16 8,131,108.05 22.94% -22.29% 利润流水比 67% 70% 71% 66% 62% 61% 61% 62% 63% 67% 65% 68% 71% 67% 54% 61% 56% 55% 45% 41% 43% 45% 45% 57% 55% 43% 40% 49% 59% 52% 50% 31% 30% 17% 38% 39% 41% 36% 35% 47% 33.47% -3.75%
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question:write a script about coach k vs an undefeated u of m team
answer:Title: Coaching Classic: Coach K vs Undefeated U of M Team Fade In: INT. A BASKETBALL COURT - DAY The scene opens as a game is about to start. The arena is jam-packed with fans, and the atmosphere is electric. The Duke Blue Devils team is warming up on the court, led by their iconic coach, Coach K. ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Duke Blue Devils and their legendary Coach, Coach K! They are up against the undefeated University of Michigan Wolverines. This is going to be one epic match! The crowd roars with excitement. CUT TO: The Duke Blue Devils and the University of Michigan Wolverines take to the court. The Wolverines have been unstoppable, and their coach, Lisa, is confident about their chances against Duke. COACH LISA: (to her team) Listen up, guys, we've come too far to lose this game. We are undefeated, and we need to show everyone why we're the best team out there. Duke is a tough opponent, but we can beat them. Let's bring our A-game to the court and win this match! The Wolverines team cheers in response, and Coach K overhears from across the court. COACH K: (to his team) Okay, guys, listen up. The Wolverines are not to be taken lightly. They are undefeated, and they have a fantastic team. But we have something they don't – The Duke spirit! We have to play smart, and we have to play hard. We can beat them if we work as a team. The game begins, and both teams fight hard in the first half. The Wolverines are playing an excellent defensive game, and Duke is having a tough time scoring. At halftime, Coach K gathers his team on the court. COACH K: (to his team) We need to make some adjustments, guys. The Wolverines are playing smart, but we are better than this. We need to trust our instincts and play the game we know how to play. Come on, let's do this! The second half begins, and Duke plays with renewed vigor. They score points after points, and their defense is rock-solid. The Wolverines are trying to keep up, but Duke is unstoppable. In the final moments of the game, the crowd is on their feet as Duke takes the lead. The Wolverines are struggling to catch up, but Duke's defense is too strong. The buzzer sounds, and the final score is 75-70, in favor of Duke. Coach K greets Coach Lisa at the end of the game. COACH K: (to Coach Lisa) Lisa, you have an incredible team. You gave us a run for our money, but we came out on top. COACH LISA: (responds) Coach K, congratulations. Your team played exceptionally well. We'll get you next time. FADE OUT.
question:Please write me a 3000 word essay at a college level about the history of English monolingual lexicography and the social role of dictionaries and dictionary development
answer:Title: The Roots of English Lexicography: The History and Social Role of Dictionaries and Dictionary Development Introduction Stepping into the vast realm of lexicography, one comes to the fascinating realization of the linguistic, historical, and cultural richness the field has to offer. From the earliest monolingual dictionaries to the contemporary linguistic databases, dictionaries have played a key role in standardizing, preserving, and constantly evolving the English language. This essay will trace the history of English monolingual lexicography from Old English glossaries to the age of digital lexicography, examining the social context driving the development of dictionaries, milestones in the field, and some of the main contributors to this rich history. Early Beginnings - Teacher's and Translator's Aids The origins of English monolingual lexicography can be traced back to the Old English period (circa 450–1100 AD). Lexicography during this time was centered around glossaries, which aimed to provide readers with translations of Latin terms into Old English. These glossaries were merely rudimentary teacher's aids or translator's tools, with terms sequentially arranged in no particular order. The main sources for Old English glossographies were Latin texts, with some vernacular sources, such as the Alfredian translation project spearheaded by King Alfred the Great in the latter part of the 9th century. Middle English Period - Bilingual and Trilingual Dictionaries As the Old English period transitioned into the Middle English period (circa 1100–1500 AD), lexicography witnessed a shift from monolingual glossaries to bilingual and trilingual dictionaries, especially in the context of religious and scholarly activities. During this period, Latin and French significantly influenced the English lexis due to the influx of Norman French-speaking rulers in England in the 11th century. Bilingual dictionaries, such as the 'Promptorium Parvulorum' (circa 1440), served as guides for Latin and English speakers to overcome linguistic barriers in their religious and scholarly pursuits. The 16th Century - The Emergence of Monolingual Lexicography The 16th century saw a resurgence of monolingual English lexicography marked by organizational improvements and increased lexical sophistication. Amidst an era of flourishing Renaissance humanism and calls for standardization of the English language, compilers of dictionaries and grammars sought to preserve the vernacular from linguistic degeneration. A key development in lexicography during this period was the use of illustrative quotations from contemporary authors, which not only provided evidence for word usage but also showcased the literary richness of the time. Among the crucial projects of this period is Edmund Coote's 'The English School-Master' (1596), which contained not only the bilingual word lists but also the first known example of a monolingual dictionary in the English lexis. Another notable work is John Minsheu's 'Ductor in Linguas' (1617), a multilingual dictionary encompassing eleven languages. The 17th Century - Standardizing and Expanding the Lexis The desire for standardization and preservation of the English language continued into the 17th century. Lexicographers sought to compile comprehensive dictionaries containing all known English words. Examples include Thomas Blount's 'Glossographia' (1656), which documented 11,000 terms, many of which were derived from other languages, as well as Edward Phillips' 'The New World of English Words' (1658), which expanded on Blount's compilation. The growing demand for such inventories signaled the increasing status of dictionaries as authoritative linguistic resources, setting the stage for the golden age of English lexicography in the 18th century. The 18th Century - Celebrated Lexicographers and their Masterpieces The 18th century saw the emergence of monumental lexicographical works, setting new standards for English dictionaries. Samuel Johnson's 'A Dictionary of the English Language' (1755) was a prime example in this period, boasting more than 40,000 entries and illustrative quotations from renowned authors. Johnson's dictionary was hailed as a comprehensive, reliable, and principled reference for readers. It set a foundation for understanding the form, pronunciation, meaning, and etymology of English words, shaping the development of later dictionaries. Noah Webster, the celebrated American lexicographer, also made significant contributions to the field. His 'An American Dictionary of the English Language' (1828) adapted Johnson's method but sought to establish an independent American linguistic identity with simplified spellings, American pronunciation, and word usage. Webster's dictionary was influential in spreading American English throughout the world and remains an authoritative source today. The 19th and 20th Centuries - Nurturing the English Language, Scientifically and Globally The 19th century witnessed the emergence of scientifically oriented, evidence-based lexicography. This was propelling the development of the monumental 'Oxford English Dictionary' (OED), initiated by the Philological Society of London, completed in 1928, and since continuously updated. The OED aims to provide an accurate and historical account of the English language by documenting word usage from authenticated sources throughout history. Its crowning achievement, the 12-volume first edition, attested to the dedication and passion for accuracy that drove the project. Among notable contributors to the OED were the editor James Murray and William C. Minor, a prolific and committed lexicographer, despite his deterioration of mental health. Digital Lexicography - An Advent in the 20th Century The latter part of the 20th century saw English lexicography embrace the digital era, enabling rapid access to linguistic resources through electronic databases and lexicons. The landmark project was the publication of the first CD-ROM version of the OED in 1987, which was followed by an online version in 2000. Digital technology has expanded the opportunities for lexicographical research and facilitated the globalization of English, empowering users to access a wealth of information at their fingertips. Conclusion The history of English monolingual lexicography is rich and complex, shaped by a myriad of linguistic, historical, and cultural factors. Dictionaries have played an essential role in supporting the preservation, standardization, intellectualization, and globalization of the English language. As the field continues to evolve in the digital age, the underlying motivation remains steadfast: the desire to document, understand, and cherish the linguistic richness of the English language for generations to come.