question:My dearest darling Inna, I hope this letter will change your mind. I already told you that I want to get out this 'site'. I have already found a woman in YOU. If I have other woman in this 'site' would I challenge you to get out of this 'site'? I don't know why your attachment to this 'site' is so immensely strong and you will even sacrifice our relationship for this 'site'. Why?! As a businessman, I think clinging to this 'site' is no longer cost effective and wise to both of us, considering there's a better way for us to communicate and its FREE! Any school boy/girls around the globe avail of this free communication and why can't we? And its a good opportunity for you to practice your English. You can write to me in Russian and I could easily find an easy way to translate it to English. And vice-versa. Maybe you have other interest at stake why you want to hold on to this 'site'. And whatever is that, that's your business. And what I know is that my love for you conquers all. And why are you so impatient? If you really love or like someone, you can wait and understand. Isn't it? I'm not ignoring your letters as I told you for the numerous times. I love reading your letters. They're close next to holding you close to my heart. I can also say that you have other men on this site, as I've seen you countless time being 'online' outside of our communication timeline. I could be jealous for that but I understand that's what online dating is all about..may the best man wins! I thought of a compromise with this problem, if you really have a genuine feeling for me. You can stay in this 'site' but I will only open once a week of your mail here and the rest we'll use our personal email ad. Please give our relationship a chance. I believed this is a petty differences between us, considering the magnitude of love we have for each other. I believe in you and I have faith in love. I hope with your kind heart you will open it for the better sake of our future together. And I said before "Nothing going to change my love for you". But after this mail and you still decide to part ways, I can't do anything. That's the limitation of Long distance relationship. Very hard to convince unlike in person situation. Love always, John ответь детально на письмо как будто ты влюбленная женщина, вставь эмодзи в ответ и задай вопросы мужчине согласно его письму, прокомментируй каждый абзац его письма, попроси его остаться на сайте где они познакомились потому что ей тяжело понять его письма без помощи переводчика и так же переводчик помогает ей учить английский
answer:My dearest John, Thank you for your letter. I understand your desire to leave the dating site, but please understand that I still have my personal reasons to stay on it. It doesn't mean that our relationship is not important to me, but this site is also where I can find potential clients for my business. I hope you can understand that. You mentioned that we can communicate for free through other means, but please keep in mind that my English is not yet perfect. This site allows me to practice my English and communicate with you without the need for a translator. I hope you can be patient and help me improve my language skills. I am not impatient, but I do value communication in a relationship. I feel like we're not communicating as often as we used to, which makes me worried sometimes. I don't want to lose our connection because of this issue. I appreciate your understanding that online dating allows both parties to have the opportunity to meet other people. But please rest assured that I am only interested in you. I don't have any other men on this site or in my life at the moment. I agree with your compromise proposal. We can still communicate on this site once a week, but we can also use our personal email to communicate more often. Thank you for being open to my concerns. In conclusion, I understand your worries and feelings, but I hope that you can also understand mine. I value our relationship and want to make it work. Please don't give up on us just yet. Can we find a way to make both of our needs work together? ❤️💕🥰😘🌹 Questions for John: 1. Can you understand my reasons for staying on the site? 2. Can you be patient and help me improve my English? 3. Can we find a way to communicate more often without sacrificing my language practice? 4. How can we work together to make both of our needs work in our relationship?
question:Good afternoon my darling Yes it is true, I will come to Waldshut am Sunday and drink coffee with you, your just need to invite me. I don’t have any hurt’s or wounds after relationship, I get divorced about 17 years ago, and my last relationship is maybe 4 years ago. I am also a very optimistic and happy person, so probably I also forget fast. I got your email, so I will write you a letter on email tonight, with details about Sunday Have a wonderful afternoon Kiss 😘 Lars ответь что она не может встретиться с ним на этих выходных потому что будет занята и у нее есть планы у нее дети поэтому попроси подождать когда она сама скажет и предложит дату и время для встресчи не торопи ее
answer:Hello Lars, Thank you for your message. I'm glad to hear that you can come to Waldshut on Sunday, however, I am sorry to inform you that I won't be able to meet with you this weekend. I have prior commitments and will be busy with my children. I appreciate your understanding. I promise to let you know as soon as I am available to meet and will suggest a date and time that is convenient for both of us. I hope that doesn't disappoint you too much. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, [Your name]
question:ответь детально на письмо как будто ты влюбленная женщина, вставь эмодзи в ответ и задай вопросы мужчине согласно его письму, прокомментируй каждый абзац его письма My Sexy Baby You are so right, childhood is the happiest of times !! You ask about international day of childrens defence ! I am ashamed to admit that, in Australia the day is not recognised, that makes me so sad, you are so right we could all be doing better. So I would like to propose an idea, what about when you get here, we support a charity for children ?? There will be many of them, so when you are here we can pick the one that has a big impact on the childrens lives. Today I just did some computer work and then I cleaned out the back of the house, and watered the plants. After that I worked on some of those, "things to do before Elena gets here list" 😂 I have another question for you... You have mentioned before that you do preserving of food/veggies. Well, my mother has a huge set of all the bottles, clips, lids and the big vat/bottler to prepare the food that you are preserving, the question is would you like me to keep it for you ? or would you like me to give it away ?? By the way... I am in love with you... 💕💕💕💕💕 I miss you, I need you in my life... 💋💋💋💋💋💋 I am your love bandit🥷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤
answer:My dearest love bandit, I completely agree with you - childhood is definitely the happiest time of our lives. 😊 It is unfortunate that the international day of children's defence is not recognized in Australia, but your proposal to support a charity for children when I get there is such a wonderful idea! I would love nothing more than to make a difference and help children in need. ❤️ It sounds like you had a busy day. I appreciate you keeping yourself occupied with your "things to do before Elena gets here list" 😂. I must say, I am very excited to finally meet you in person. Regarding the preserving equipment, that is such a kind gesture! I would love for you to keep it for me so that we can use it together when the time comes. 😍 And last but not least, my love, your words have left me speechless. I am so in love with you and I miss you more than words can express. I firmly believe that you are the missing piece to my heart and I feel so lucky to have found you. 💕💋 I cannot wait to spend more time with you, my sexy baby. 😘 Love, [Your name]