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question:Ill be maling short form content including edits, and clips of long form content from other creators which falls under fair use. What should my team look like? I definitelly want an actual estonian translating them and making ideas as i dont trust ai or translators.

answer:If you plan to curate content, edit clips, and translate them into Estonian, here are some roles you may consider for your team: 1. Content Curator: This person will be responsible for finding relevant content, including long-form videos or articles, from different creators or platforms that align with your niche. They should be skilled in identifying valuable and engaging content for your audience. 2. Editor: An editor will be in charge of slicing and editing the long-form content into shorter clips or creating highlight reels. They should possess video editing skills and have access to the necessary software. 3. Estonian Translator: As you mentioned, hiring an Estonian translator is crucial to ensure accurate translations and ideas. This person should be fluent in both Estonian and the language of the original content. They will also provide cultural context if needed. 4. Social Media Manager: This role involves managing the day-to-day operations of your social media accounts. They will schedule posts, engage with the audience, respond to messages and comments, and monitor analytics to ensure your accounts are growing. 5. Graphic Designer: If you plan to create graphics or visual assets to accompany your content, hiring a graphic designer will be beneficial. They can help create visually appealing thumbnails, banners, or any other brand-related visuals. 6. SEO Specialist: Establishing a strong online presence requires understanding search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. An SEO specialist can help optimize your content for search engines, ensuring that it reaches a wider audience. 7. Marketing Strategist: This person can help develop your overall content strategy, identify opportunities for growth, and assist in analyzing performance metrics. They will guide your team on effective marketing techniques to increase engagement and reach in Estonia. Remember to consider the size and availability of your team based on your budget and workload. You may start with a smaller team and add more members as your social media accounts grow. Building a cohesive team will ensure quality content creation and provide a better experience for your audience.

question:Ill just get a single editor, and a single estonian. The estonians job is to find the content peices and form ideas for videos. His job is also to translate them when needed and to write titles, descriptions etc.

answer:If you prefer to start with a smaller team consisting of a single editor and a single Estonian, here's how their roles can be structured: 1. Content Curator/Translator: - The content curator should have a deep understanding of the topics and interests of your target audience in Estonia. They will search for relevant content, gather ideas for videos, and curate the best pieces to share. - They will be responsible for translating the content into Estonian, ensuring accurate translations and cultural relevance. - Additionally, they will write compelling titles, descriptions, and captions in Estonian to attract viewers. 2. Editor: - The editor will work closely with the content curator to transform the curated content into shorter clips or highlight reels. - They will bring creativity to the editing process, incorporating engaging visuals, captions, and effects as needed to optimize the content for social media platforms. - The editor will ensure professional-quality videos that are visually appealing and engaging for your audience. Collaboration between the content curator and editor is important to ensure that the curated content is transformed into impactful video content for your social media accounts. Regular communication and feedback between the two team members will help align goals and maintain consistent quality. As your social media accounts grow and you expand your content production, you can consider adding more team members or outsourcing specific tasks to meet the demands of your audience.


answer:非阻塞性胸痛(non-obstructive chest pain)通常指的是在冠状动脉造影(心导管检查)中没有发现显著的冠脉狭窄(通常定义为狭窄程度小于50%或70%),但患者仍然存在胸痛症状的情况。这种胸痛可能源自心脏(如微血管心绞痛或心肌桥),亦可能来源于非心脏疾病(如胃食管反流、肌肉骨骼问题等)。 根据我的知识截至2023年,没有特定只聚焦于非阻塞性胸痛的专家共识或指南,胸痛的处理通常包含在心脏疾病(特别是冠状动脉疾病)相关的指南中。例如,国际上有多个权威的心脏疾病组织发布的指南,包括: 1. 美国心脏协会(American Heart Association, AHA)和美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology, ACC) 2. 欧洲心脏病学会(European Society of Cardiology, ESC) 这些指南提供了关于胸痛的评估、诊断和治疗的广泛信息,包括但不限于患有非阻塞性胸痛患者的处理。 在评估非阻塞性胸痛的患者时,医生可能会考虑以下几个方面: 1. 排除其他原因:通过病史采集、体格检查和辅助检查排除胸痛的其他可能原因,如胸膜疾病、消化系统疾病、肌肉骨骼疾病等。 2. 进一步的心脏评估:对于心脏方面的进一步检查,可能包括压力测试(运动负荷试验)、核素心肌灌注成像、心脏CT或心脏MRI等,以评估心肌的灌注情况或结构问题。 3. 微血管功能和内皮功能评估:对于疑似微血管心绞痛的患者,可能需要通过特殊的诊断方法(如冠状动脉冷压试验、乙酰胆碱试验等)评估冠脉微血管功能。 4. 个性化治疗:治疗方案可能包括药物治疗(例如硝酸酯类、钙通道阻滞剂等)、生活方式改变、心理社会干预和/或康复干预。 要获取具体和最新的专家共识或指南,可以直接访问上述组织的官方网站,或通过医学文献数据库如PubMed搜索最新的相关文献。在某些情况下,可能会有国家或地区性的专家共识,因此也可以关注不同国家心脏病学会或专业团体发布的信息。

question:what is the best object to store and retrieve data such as string saved for use later in unreal engine 5 for access in realtime from the game

answer:In Unreal Engine 5, you have several approaches to store and retrieve data, especially strings, for real-time access during gameplay. The most common approaches are: 1. **Blueprints**: Unreal Engine's visual scripting system allows you to create variables that hold data such as strings, which can be easily set and get during gameplay. 2. **Game Instance Class**: The Game Instance is persistent throughout the game and does not get destroyed between level loads. You can subclass the Game Instance and define string variables there which will stay alive and accessible as long as the game is running. 3. **Data Assets**: You can create a custom Data Asset in Unreal and use it to store various kinds of data, including strings, which can be easily accessed in real-time from anywhere in the game. 4. **Config Files**: You can use Unreal's config system to read and write settings to and from .ini files. These are less immediate but are excellent for storing data such as preferences, settings, and other string values that should persist between sessions. 5. **Save Game Objects**: For data that you want to persist between game sessions such as player progress or high scores, you can use the Save Game system to write to disk and read back when the game starts again. 6. **C++ Classes / Structs**: Creating custom classes or structs in C++ to encapsulate data is another option. You can create accessor methods to interact with your data. Here’s a quick example of how you might set up a simple SaveGame class that includes a string variable: ```cpp #include "GameFramework/SaveGame.h" #include "MySaveGame.generated.h" UCLASS() class MYGAME_API UMySaveGame : public USaveGame { GENERATED_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category=Basic) FString PlayerName; }; ``` To save data to this, you’d create an instance of your SaveGame class, set the appropriate variables, and tell the engine to save it. Retrieval is just a matter of loading the saved data file and accessing the variables as needed. In Blueprint or through C++ code, you can create and access variables of your SaveGame class at runtime. Remember that whenever dealing with saving and loading data, ensure you handle file I/O operations carefully to avoid data corruption and manage versioning if your data structure might change in the future. The 'best' way to store data depends on your specific needs. If it is transient data required only during gameplay, using Blueprints or the Game Instance would suffice. For persistent data that needs to be saved to disk or across play sessions, consider SaveGame objects or the Config system. Data that needs to be centrally managed or referenced by multiple classes and doesn't change often is well-suited for a Data Asset.

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