question:Write a short social media post giving updates on a storm. Make it informative and yet exciting.
answer:For anyone on the west end, take cover! I heard the tornado tearing down my street and then it vanished. It definitely changed direction and is heading your way. BNL has updates. I'll link it below. Stay safe everyone!
question:Please shorten this function, and make it one line if possible. import pandas as pd def flatten(dataframe, col): df = dataframe.copy() if df[col].dtype == object: df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]) df = df.explode(col) return df.reset_index(drop=True)
answer:Here is a method to shorten the solution into one line. import pandas as pd def flatten(dataframe, col): return dataframe.explode(col).reset_index(drop=True) The code heavily relies on the explode function to replicate the rows of the dataframe for each value in col value. After the explode function is executed the reset_index is used to reset the index of the dataframe. Let me know if you need anything else.
question:It would be really helpful if you could write an easy to read how-to bulleted list for changing a tire. Thank you!
answer:To change a tire, you need a tire jack, a spare tire, and a tire gauge. And here’s what you need to do: - Find a safe place to pull over. - Put on your hazard lights. - Take out the necessary materials. - Loosen the lug nuts with the tire gauge (lefty-loosey.) - Place the tire jack under the metal part of the vehicle. - Turn the handle on the jack to lift the car off the ground. - Remove the lug nuts. - Remove the old tire. - Put the new tire on. - Replace the lug nuts. - Secure them in place with the tire gauge (righty-tighty; go in order in a clockwise direction to keep the tire straight.) - Turn the handle to lower the car to the ground. - Remove the tire jack. - Put everything away and get back on the road.
question:I want to go to the Great Lakes. Which one is the biggest?
answer:The largest Great Lake is Lake Superior. Lake Superior is also the world's largest freshwater lake. It's 350 miles wide and 160 miles long, with 31,700 square miles of surface water.