question:Please translate this phase into academic paper in English, thanks! The phase is:针对我国医保支付模式改革和患者下转困难的背景,本文聚焦于按病种、按床日和按项目支付模式,结合医疗资源均衡度,通过均值方差理论和演化博弈模型研究风险敏感患者的下转引导。设置报销比例和绩效考核奖惩力度到下转行为稳定条件时,深入研究发现:
answer:In the context of healthcare payment model reform and the difficulties faced by patients when transferring to lower-level hospitals in China, this paper focuses on payment modes based on disease categories, hospitalization days, and specific medical procedures. Taking into account the balance of healthcare resources, we examine the guidance of risk-sensitive patients' transfer decisions using mean-variance theory and evolutionary game models. By establishing the reimbursement ratio and the intensity of performance assessment and incentives to achieve stable transfer behavior, in-depth research reveals the following:
question:A quoi sert 1e cours de multimédia ?
answer:Le premier cours de multimédia sert à introduire les concepts de base et les principes fondamentaux du domaine du multimédia. Il vise à aider les étudiants à comprendre ce qu'est le multimédia, comment il est utilisé dans différents domaines tels que la communication, le divertissement, l'éducation, etc. Ce cours peut également inclure une introduction aux différents types de médias tels que les images, les vidéos, le son et l'animation, ainsi qu'aux logiciels et aux outils utilisés dans la création et la manipulation de ces médias. En outre, ce cours peut aborder des sujets tels que la conception et l'organisation de contenus multimédias, les principes de l'ergonomie et de l'expérience utilisateur, la compression de fichiers multimédias, etc.
question:It’s not necessarily about blue-sky thinking. It’s a problem-solving kind of approach.” China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, which sets specific development goals for the period 2021–25 and describes the country’s longer-term vision for 2035, puts a strong emphasis on technological innovation, highlighting recent successes in lunar exploration, supercomputing, quantum information and high-speed trains. It also calls for the creation of national laboratories to focus on network communications, modern energy systems, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI), among other fields. China is already one of the world’s leading research nations in AI. Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Index Report 2023 found that China accounted for nearly 40% of all publications in AI in 2021, far exceeding the United Kingdom and Europe (15%) and the United States (10%). Papers from China accounted for 29% of all AI citations in 2021, which again puts it ahead of the United Kingdom and Europe (21.5%) and the United States (15%). China ranked second to the United States in a 2022 assessment of AI and robotics articles in the Nature Index, but its annual Share rose more than 1,100% between 2015 and 2021, significantly outpacing the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany. Environmental research, such as projects tackling green energy and pollution, have also rapidly progressed in China (see pageS5).翻译为学术类汉语
question:It’s not necessarily about blue-sky thinking. It’s a problem-solving kind of approach.” 这句话怎么翻译呢