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answer:xdc约束文件的全称是Xilinx Design Constraints File。



question:Potřebuji abys za ohodnotil číselně od 0 do 100 text za textem "Zde je text:". Za textem musí být věk uživatele, jak dlouho hraje minecraft a jaké z něho má zkušeností a proč by chtěl hrát na našem server. Maximální počet bodů je 100. Kontroluj také jak je text zpracován a důvod pro připojení musí být určen, jinak nižší hodnocení. Odpověď chci pouze ve formátu "Celkem počet bodů: odpověď/100", nechci žádný výpis hodnocení.Pokud nemá žádné body nebo není na co odpovídat tak jen napiš "Celkem počet bodů: 0/100" Zde je text: Ahoj, je mi 24 let a hraju minecraft od roku 2009 a rád se věnuju všemu v minecraftu. Umím dost dobře stavět a umím také s redstone. S hráčema jsem dost přátelský a nemám v plánu nějak otravovat lidi. Jen společně hrát.

answer:Celkem počet bodů: 85/100

question:Can you write a 12 year old girl named Amelia trying stinky foot flavored ice cream that tastes exactly like stinky feet. She loves the taste but only after a few bites, initially she is disgusted. Town is Willowdale. Ice cream shop is wonderscoop.

answer:Once upon a time in the charming town of Willowdale, there lived a curious and adventurous 12-year-old girl named Amelia. Amelia was known for her daring nature and her willingness to try new things. She had heard whispers about a peculiar flavor of ice cream that could be found at the local ice cream shop called Wonderscoop. With a twinkle in her eye and a taste for adventure, she decided to venture there one sunny afternoon. As Amelia stepped into Wonderscoop, she couldn't help but notice a strange aroma lingering in the air. She followed the scent, which led her to a sign that read "Introducing: Stinky Foot Flavored Ice Cream!" Curiosity piqued, Amelia approached the counter with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The shopkeeper, a kind older woman with a friendly smile, noticed Amelia's interest and asked, "Would you like to try our newest creation, sweetie? It's an acquired taste, but some kids really seem to enjoy it!" Amelia hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should take the plunge. But her adventurous spirit got the better of her, and with a nod, she bravely ordered a scoop of the mysterious Stinky Foot Flavored Ice Cream. As the shopkeeper handed her the cone, Amelia took a deep breath, bracing herself for the unique experience. She could immediately smell a pungent mix of cheese, vinegar, and something a little funky. "Here goes nothing," Amelia whispered to herself before taking a cautious first bite. Her face twisted in a grimace, and she thought, "Oh no, what have I done? This is indeed stinky feet in ice cream form!" The flavors mingled in her mouth, and initially, Amelia couldn't understand how anyone could enjoy such a bizarre taste. But then, something unexpected happened. As Amelia took a second bite, a hint of sweetness began to break through the intense stinkiness. It was like a secret hidden within the aroma. The taste of caramel danced with each lick, and soon Amelia discovered that, strangely enough, she was beginning to love it! Her three friends, who had joined her at the ice cream shop, watched in awe as Amelia devoured the rest of the cone, relishing the peculiar combination of stinky and sweet. She giggled and said, "You know what? It's odd, but somehow, I really enjoy this! It's like a fun challenge for my taste buds!" News of Amelia's surprising love for the Stinky Foot Flavored Ice Cream spread quickly through Willowdale. People were both bewildered and amazed by this young girl's adventurous palate. Soon, the line at Wonderscoop stretched around the block, with both kids and adults eager to try what Amelia had declared as the "weirdest ice cream flavor that tastes exactly like stinky feet, but in a strangely delicious way." Amelia's unique love for the Stinky Foot Flavored Ice Cream became a symbol of Willowdale's granting open-mindedness and the spirit of embracing the unusual. And from that day forward, the townspeople saw Amelia as the brave girl who, in the most unexpected way, taught them to look beyond the surface and find extraordinary things in places others wouldn't dare to explore. So, the adventures of Amelia in Willowdale continued, with her insatiable curiosity leading her to even more unexpected discoveries. And the Stinky Foot Flavored Ice Cream remained a local phenomenon, reminding everyone to never judge something by its smell alone, for unexpectedly delightful surprises might be waiting just around the corner.

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