question:Please add spaces between words: Emailortalktopeopleaboutyourhabitchange,givingthemdailyupdates.Ifpeopleexpectthedailyupdates,youwillfeelmotivatedtodoyourhabitsoyoucantellpeopleaboutit.
answer:Email or talk to people about your habit change, giving them daily updates. If people expect the daily updates, you will feel motivated to do your habits so you can tell people about it.
question:his spirit is not present in animals. This is all lower case. Can you fix that?
answer:Sure! Here's the edited version: This spirit is not present in animals.
question:Dallas, Texas (CNN What are the important parts of this article?
answer:I'm sorry, I cannot view or access external articles or news sources. Please provide the specific article or the main points you want me to summarize.
question:A Faust Symphony in three character pictures (German: Eine FaustSymphonie in drei Charakterbildern ), S.108, or simply the Faust Symphony, was written by Hungarian composer Franz Liszt and was inspired by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's drama, Faust. The symphony was premiered in Weimar on September 5, 1857, for the inauguration of the Goethe–Schiller Monument there. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Without Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Franz Liszt would not have composed the Faust Symphony OPTIONS: Yes It's impossible to say No