question:Do these questions have the same meaning? Why do console games cost almost 3 times more than PC games in India? Why are console games more expensive than PC versions? OPTIONS: no ye
question:Electric motor: These motors were originally invented to drive the capstan(s) of magnetic tape drives in the burgeoning computer industry, where minimal time to reach operating speed and minimal stopping distance were critical. Pancake motors are still widely used in highperformance servocontrolled systems, robotic systems, industrial automation and medical devices. Due to the variety of constructions now available, the technology is used in applications from high temperature military to low cost pump and basic servos. Please answer a question about this article. If the question is unanswerable, say unanswerable. What are advantages of waffle motors?
answer:Unanswerable. The article only mentions pancake motors and does not discuss waffle motors.
question:Are animals multicellular? If so, why? Do animals have memory of harm done to them and can they take revenge on the harm? Please tell me if those questions are the same. OPTIONS: no ye
answer:1. Are animals multicellular? If so, why? Answer: Yes - Animals are multicellular because they are complex organisms with specialized cell types that work together to support their various bodily functions. 2. Do animals have memory of harm done to them and can they take revenge on the harm? Answer: No - Animals do not have the capacity to retain memories of harm done to them, nor do they have the cognitive ability to seek revenge or hold grudges.
question:w would someone go about accomplishing this goal? What is the best cleaning solution for white tennis shoes? OPTIONS: Windex Bleach
answer:The best cleaning solution for white tennis shoes is bleach.