question:What is the solution? Solve 25 = 2080*z 2085*z for z.
answer:The solution is z = 5/2080.
question:Please add punctuation to this: This Pandora Murano glass bead in charcoal black features a floral design Each glass bead is hand made from the finest Murano glass using extreme heat making the glass bead unbreakable to every day wear
answer:This Pandora Murano glass bead in charcoal black features a floral design. Each glass bead is hand-made from the finest Murano glass using extreme heat, making the glass bead unbreakable to every day wear.
question:6:7 The anger of Yahweh was kindled against Uzzah; and God struck him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. Please remove spaces between words.
answer:6:7 TheangerofYahwehwaskindledagainstUzzah;andGodstruckhimthereforhiserror;andtherehediedbythearkofGod.
question:What was the fate of poachers in the time of Richard 1 What is the answer?
answer:Poaching during the time of Richard I was considered a serious crime and poachers could face severe punishments such as imprisonment, mutilation, or even death.