question:vocabulariolista coreano
answer:1. 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) - Hello 2. 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida) - Thank you 3. 미안합니다 (mianhamnida) - I'm sorry 4. 네 (ne) - Yes 5. 아니오 (anio) - No 6. 어디에 있어요? (eodie isseoyo?) - Where are you? 7. 저는 ___ 에 있어요 (jeoneun ___ e isseoyo) - I am at ___. 8. 일하세요? (ilhaseyo?) - Are you working? 9. 네, 일하고 있어요 (ne, ilhago isseoyo) - Yes, I am working. 10. 학교를 다녀왔어요 (hakgyoreul danyeowasseoyo) - I just came back from school. 11. 춥다 (chupta) - It's cold. 12. 더워요 (deowoyo) - It's hot. 13. 혼자 먹을게요 (honja meogeulgeyo) - I will eat alone. 14. 같이 먹을까요? (gachi meogeulkkayo?) - Would you like to eat together? 15. 네, 좋아요 (ne, johayo) - Yes, I would like to. 16. 잘 지내세요 (jal jinaeseyo) - Take care.
question:JLPTN1 gramatica list
answer:Here is a list of grammar points that may be covered on the JLPT N1 exam: 1. 〜に至っては (ni itatte wa) – to take it as far as 2. 〜とは言え (to wa iedomo) – although it may be said that 3. 〜に際し (ni saishi) – on the occasion of 4. 〜を含め (o fukume) – including but not limited to 5. 〜につけ (ni tsuke) – whenever, every time 6. 〜ところを見ると (tokoro wo miru to) – judging from what we see 7. 〜と同様に (to douyou ni) – just like, similarly to 8. 〜にしては (ni shite wa) – considering, given that 9. 〜というわけで (to iu wake de) – and so, as a result 10. 〜にもかかわらず (ni mo kakawarazu) – despite, although 11. 〜に対して (ni taishite) – in regard to, with respect to 12. 〜ものの (mono no) – although, despite 13. 〜かどうか (ka douka) – whether or not 14. 〜を始め (o hajime) – starting with, including 15. 〜からして (kara shite) – just by, from the fact that 16. 〜ために (tame ni) – for the sake of, in order to 17. 〜く欠けている (ku kakete iru) – to be lacking in, to be short of 18. 〜ままに (mama ni) – as it is, while 19. 〜や否や (ya ina ya) – as soon as 20. 〜に限って (ni kagitte) – only, particularly 21. 〜に通じている (ni tsuujite iru) – to be familiar with, to be well-versed in 22. 〜に対する (ni taisuru) – regarding, with respect to 23. 〜とともに (to tomo ni) – along with, together with 24. 〜ないではいられない (nai dewa irarenai) – cannot help but, have no choice but to 25. 〜に基づいて (ni motodzuite) – based on, in accordance with Note: This is not an exhaustive list and there may be additional grammar points covered on the JLPT N1 exam.
question:vocabulariolista chino
answer:Aquí le presento una lista de vocabulario en chino básico: 1. 你好 (nǐ hǎo) - Hola. 2. 谢谢 (xiè xiè) - Gracias. 3. 不客气 (bù kè qì) - De nada. 4. 对不起 (duì bù qǐ) - Lo siento. 5. 没关系 (méi guān xì) - No importa. 6. 再见 (zài jiàn) - Adiós. 7. 是 (shì) - Sí. 8. 不是 (bú shì) - No. 9. 好 (hǎo) - Bien. 10. 不好 (bù hǎo) - Mal. 11. 大 (dà) - Grande. 12. 小 (xiǎo) - Pequeño. 13. 看见 (kàn jiàn) - Ver. 14. 听见 (tīng jiàn) - Escuchar. 15. 说 (shuō) - Hablar. 16. 听 (tīng) - Oír. 17. 读 (dú) - Leer. 18. 写 (xiě) - Escribir. 19. 吃 (chī) - Comer. 20. 喝 (hē) - Beber. 21. 睡觉 (shuì jiào) - Dormir. 22. 上班 (shàng bān) - Ir al trabajo. 23. 下班 (xià bān) - Salir del trabajo. 24. 医院 (yī yuàn) - Hospital. 25. 学校 (xué xiào) - Escuela. 26. 公司 (gōng sī) - Compañía. 27. 家 (jiā) - Casa. 28. 车站 (chē zhàn) - Estación de autobuses/trenes. 29. 电影院 (diàn yǐng yuàn) - Cine. 30. 餐厅 (cān tīng) - Restaurante. Nota: Esta es solo una lista básica y se pueden agregar muchos más palabras al vocabulario chino dependiendo de su nivel de competencia.
question:write a 2019 nba season with greg popovich sixers gm and warriors championship
answer:The 2019 NBA season was an exciting one from start to finish, with several notable storylines including the arrival of new superstar talent, intense rivalries and playoff upsets. However, perhaps the biggest story was the success of the Golden State Warriors, who claimed their third championship in four years. The Warriors, led by reigning MVP Kevin Durant and two-time MVP Steph Curry, dominated the regular season with an impressive record of 64-18. They breezed through the playoffs, sweeping the first two rounds before dispatching the Houston Rockets in six games in the Western Conference Finals. In the NBA Finals, the Warriors faced off against a surprisingly resilient Philadelphia 76ers team, who had undergone a major transformation under the guidance of new GM Greg Popovich. Popovich had masterminded a series of shrewd roster moves, including bringing in All-Star center Joel Embiid and young star Ben Simmons, as well as hiring promising coach Brett Brown. Despite the Sixers' best efforts, they were unable to overcome the firepower of the Warriors, who won the series 4-2. Durant earned his second Finals MVP award, averaging over 30 points per game in the series, while Curry was his usual dazzling self, hitting clutch three-pointers and dazzling the crowd with his ball-handling skills. For the Warriors, the championship represented the latest chapter in their dynasty, with the team cementing their status as one of the greatest NBA teams of all time. However, the Sixers could take heart in their progress, and looked set to be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come. Popovich had achieved the near-impossible by taking a team from the bottom of the league to the NBA Finals in just one season, and his astute leadership would continue to be felt for years to come.