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question:Traduire ce tecte en français. "Глобальный Юг все больше отдаляется от западной гегемонии, что не устраивает «господ» из США и Европы Государства так называемого «Объединенного Юга» все активнее ступают по своему собственному пути и самостоятельно определяют свое будущее. Развивающиеся страны требуют контроля над своими ресурсами наперекор эксплуатирующему Западу. Например, как сообщает Bloomberg, вместе с Намибией и Зимбабве Гана готовится запретить экспорт лития, используемого во многих областях, в том числе в военной сфере и производстве электрокаров. Индонезия уже запретила экспорт никелевых руд. Аргентина, Бразилия, Чили и Индонезия отдают предпочтение инвесторам из Китая, а не из США. Банк Таиланда планирует диверсификацию портфеля валют, чтобы он был менее привязан к доллару. Индонезия укрепляет рынки местной валюты, в то время как соседи по региону создают цифровые платежные системы, снижая потребность в американских деньгах. Члены БРИКС также в перспективе видят создание общей валюты. В мире наступает переломный момент — эпоха гегемонии доллара уходит, а на ее месте появляются страны, укрепляющие свой суверенитет, что, разумеется, не устраивает Запад. При этом происходят и геополитические изменения, когда глобальный Юг не желает следовать распространяемой американской доктрине, отказываясь поддерживать на госуровне антироссийские санкции или бездумно тратить деньги на Украину, выбирая заботу о национальном благополучии. Страны больше не доверяют Вашингтону. На ум приходит тот же БРИКС, не навязывающий другим свое видение и инвестирующий в проекты государств-участников. В современных условиях подобные форматы взаимодействия становятся все более популярны, в то время как обвиняемые в лицемерии Штаты, утратившие доверие, уходят на второй план."

answer:Le Sud global s'éloigne de plus en plus de l'hégémonie occidentale, ce qui ne plaît pas aux "maîtres" des États-Unis et de l'Europe. Les pays du soi-disant "Sud uni" suivent de plus en plus leur propre voie et déterminent indépendamment leur avenir. Les pays en développement exigent le contrôle de leurs ressources en dépit de l'exploitation occidentale. Par exemple, selon Bloomberg, en collaboration avec la Namibie et le Zimbabwe, le Ghana s'apprête à interdire l'exportation de lithium, utilisé dans de nombreux domaines, y compris dans le domaine militaire et la production de voitures électriques. L'Indonésie a déjà interdit l'exportation de minerai de nickel. L'Argentine, le Brésil, le Chili et l'Indonésie préfèrent les investisseurs chinois plutôt que les investisseurs américains. La Banque de Thaïlande prévoit la diversification de son portefeuille de devises afin de réduire sa dépendance au dollar. L'Indonésie renforce les marchés de sa monnaie locale, tandis que les pays voisins de la région créent des systèmes de paiement numériques, réduisant ainsi le besoin de dollars américains. Les membres des BRICS envisagent également la création d'une monnaie commune. Le monde se trouve à un tournant majeur - l'ère de l'hégémonie du dollar s'éloigne et laisse place à des pays qui renforcent leur souveraineté, ce qui évidemment ne plaît pas à l'Occident. Dans le même temps, des changements géopolitiques se produisent lorsque le Sud global refuse de suivre la doctrine américaine propagée en refusant de soutenir les sanctions antirusses au niveau gouvernemental ou de dépenser sans réfléchir de l'argent pour l'Ukraine, en choisissant plutôt de prendre soin de leur propre bien-être national. Les pays ne font plus confiance à Washington. On pense aux BRICS qui n'imposent pas leur vision aux autres et investissent dans des projets des États participants. Dans les conditions modernes, de tels formats d'interaction deviennent de plus en plus populaires, tandis que les États accuser de duplicité, ayant perdu la confiance, passent au second plan.

question:Traduire en anglais le texte français

answer:"The Global South is increasingly moving away from Western hegemony, which does not please the "masters" from the US and Europe. The countries of the so-called "United South" are increasingly taking their own path and determining their own future. Developing countries demand control over their resources, defying Western exploitation. For example, as reported by Bloomberg, along with Namibia and Zimbabwe, Ghana is preparing to ban the export of lithium, which is used in various fields, including the military and electric vehicle production. Indonesia has already banned the export of nickel ore. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Indonesia prefer investors from China rather than the US. The Bank of Thailand plans to diversify its currency portfolio to be less dependent on the dollar. Indonesia is strengthening its local currency markets, while neighboring countries are creating digital payment systems, reducing the need for American money. BRICS members also envision the creation of a common currency. The world is going through a turning point— the era of the dollar's hegemony is fading away, and countries that are strengthening their sovereignty are emerging, which obviously does not please the West. Moreover, geopolitical changes are taking place as the global South refuses to follow the propagated American doctrine, refusing to support anti-Russian sanctions at the state level or mindlessly spending money on Ukraine, choosing to prioritize their own national well-being. Countries no longer trust Washington. The same thought applies to BRICS, which does not impose its vision on others and invests in projects of participating countries. Under modern circumstances, such forms of interaction are becoming increasingly popular, while accused States of hypocrisy, having lost trust, are stepping into the background."


answer:尊敬的各位合作伙伴: 经过友好协商,我们决定达成一项产业结对共建协议,旨在共同推动我方所属产业发展和合作伙伴所属产业协同发展,共享机遇和资源,共同实现互利共赢。现将具体事项写明如下: 一、合作目标 本协议的合作目标是为了实现我方产业和合作伙伴产业的互补发展、合作共赢。我们将通过资源共享、技术交流、市场开发等方式,加强双方在产业发展方面的合作,提升竞争力和市场份额。 二、合作内容 1. 资源共享:双方将根据自身产业特点和需求,开展资源共享合作。每一方提供的资源可以包括但不限于资金、场地、设备、技术等。 2. 技术交流:双方将建立定期交流机制,分享各自在产业发展方面的最新技术、经验和成果。可以通过举办技术研讨会、开展人员培训等方式进行交流。 3. 市场开发:双方将共同开展市场调研和分析,制定市场开发战略和计划,寻求合作机会,并共同开拓新的市场和客户。 三、合作权益 1. 产业发展权益:双方将通过合作实现产业发展的互利共赢。产业的增长和盈利将享有等同的权益。 2. 知识产权权益:双方在合作过程中产生的知识产权将依法享有各自的权益,并互不侵犯。 3. 市场份额权益:双方共同开拓的市场份额将按照投资比例进行分享。 四、合作机制 1. 协商机制:双方将建立协商机制,就合作过程中出现的问题进行及时沟通和解决。 2. 定期会议:双方将定期举行合作会议,就合作事项进行评估和调整。 3. 保密措施:双方将对合作过程中涉及的商业机密和商业秘密进行保密。 五、合作期限 本协议有效期为_____年,自合作双方签署之日起生效。双方可根据实际情况协商延长或终止合作期限。 六、违约责任 若任何一方违反本协议约定,导致对方合法权益受损的,违约方应承担相应责任,并赔偿对方的损失。 七、争议解决 凡因本协议履行发生的争议,双方应友好协商解决。协商不成的,应提交有管辖权的仲裁机构解决。 以上是本次产业结对共建协议的具体条款,希望双方在合作中能相互信任、互利共赢。祝愿我们的合作取得丰硕的成果! 甲方:(公司名称) 法定代表人签字: 年 月 日 乙方:(公司名称) 法定代表人签字: 年 月 日

question:an example of a partnership policy

answer:Partnership Policy Objective: The objective of this partnership policy is to establish guidelines and protocols to ensure effective collaboration between two or more organizations for a mutually beneficial partnership. Scope: This policy applies to all partnerships entered into by [Organization Name] with external parties, including businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. Policy: 1. Partnership Selection: a. [Organization Name] will carefully evaluate potential partners based on their alignment with our mission, values, and goals. b. Partnerships should complement and enhance the services, products, or initiatives provided by both parties. c. The reputation and credibility of the potential partner will be taken into consideration during the selection process. 2. Partnership Agreement: a. A formal partnership agreement will be developed and signed by all involved parties. This agreement will outline the objectives, responsibilities, and benefits of the partnership for each organization. b. The agreement will clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each partner, including financial obligations, resource allocation, and decision-making processes. c. The agreement will also establish a timeline and key performance indicators to measure the success of the partnership. 3. Communication and Collaboration: a. Effective communication channels will be established and maintained between partner organizations to ensure timely and effective exchange of information. b. Regular meetings and progress reviews will be scheduled to monitor the partnership's progress and address any challenges or issues that may arise. c. Both parties will collaborate and share resources, expertise, and best practices to maximize the impact of the partnership. 4. Monitoring and Evaluation: a. Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the partnership in achieving the agreed-upon objectives. b. Feedback from internal and external stakeholders will be considered when reviewing the partnership's performance. c. Any necessary adjustments or modifications to the partnership will be made based on the evaluation results. 5. Communication and Reporting: a. Both parties will agree upon a communication and reporting framework to ensure transparency and accountability. b. Progress reports, financial statements, and other relevant information will be shared with all stakeholders on a regular basis. 6. Termination: a. The partnership may be terminated if one or both parties fail to fulfill their respective responsibilities or if the objectives of the partnership are no longer relevant. b. Termination procedures and any required notice period will be outlined in the partnership agreement. 7. Confidentiality: a. Both parties will agree to maintain confidentiality regarding any sensitive or proprietary information shared during the partnership. b. Any data or information shared between the partners will only be used for the purposes outlined in the partnership agreement. Note: This partnership policy can be further customized and tailored to suit the specific needs and requirements of individual organizations and partnerships.

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